still the build out :-(

Hey ya’ll! First i want to give a shout out to all the small business owners. I can imagine how hard it has been dealing with COVID-19 and i just want to encourage you to keep going! keep pressing forward.

OK, now yes, we are still here. The build out. So i got my pricing back and i think i blacked out for at least 54 minutes. 😂 Now of course yes i wanted the Corvette of coffee shops, the Bentley of espresso machines, fine wine everything but i soon realized i had beer money. Hey, beer isn’t that bad. There are some great tasting beers! So i am having to go back to the drawing board for a reprice. It is not smart business to bankrupt myself before i even open. I told the contractor to price my must haves and then as i progress and hopefully make more cash i can then phase in more items as i move forward. i probably sound dumb or naive but i really had no clue how much materials, electrical, plumbing and mill work really cost. so i have decided that even though my dream was to have the Taj Mahal of coffee shops ready to rock and roll when the doors open, I have been humbled down to my needs right now. Huummm needs vs wants. That could be a blog entry. Anyway, this is a short entry. I just wanted to give a quick update and get my thoughts out. I am still on this journey learning and growing each day. Hopefully my updated pricing will be good to go and then we can green light this build out! More to come!


I got my first application!


Coffee 101 … the training