The Build Out, oh my!

So, I really don’t know where to begin. I have a blank space which is great. It’s an empty canvass waiting for my creative juices to create a space to encourage & inspire folks. I know a few folks in town and have been given a few recommendations. I reached out to get pricing for the build out. I had no idea what a huge undertaking this was going to be. Turns out I have to add another bathroom and an entire kitchen ventilation system. I needed my entire inventory list of equipment and specs which I did not have. I felt like I was behind the curve. Thankfully I was able to get my life together and my spec list. It took me an additional week which means that’s another week of no build out. I have met general contractors, multiple electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, wood workers and many others. They all were great people and I’ve learned quite a bit in this short time. I am thankful for them taking the time to answer all my questions and explain contracting process I did not understand. So the whole meet with contractors, give spec list, answer questions, go back to shop to meet with more contractors with more questions took about a month. crazy right? Well crazy to me. again I am learning as I go so I really had no idea just meeting and answering questions would take a month. I began the build out process the 1st week of April. Wow! An entire month has flown by. So now I’m waiting… waiting… and waiting more… and waiting more,,, waiting some more & waiting again. I understand that pricing is very important and I have a crazy feeling that this is just the beginning to what will be an amazing experience!


Coffee 101 … the training


I GOT THE KEYS! *Disclaimer*